Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Group
Botley Parish Council support the running of a volunteer led Youth Group at the Boorley Green Community Centre on Friday evenings during term time for children in school years 7-9. We are always looking for additional volunteers to join the team. We offer training in things such as safeguarding and will process an enhanced DBS for anyone requiring one. For more information contact admin@botley-pc.gov.uk or phone 01489 787181.
Friends of Pudbrook
The “Friends of Pudbrook” meet, weather permitting, on the first Wednesday of each month to spend two to three hours working in the woodland and meadow beside the Pudbrook stream. The Council’s groundstaff lead and advise the volunteers. Tools and equipment are provided. For more information contact admin@botley-pc.gov.uk or phone 01489 787181.
Events Volunteers
The Parish Council run events such as Carols in the Square each year and require the help of volunteers to assist with things such as set up/clear down and manning road closures. If you would like to help at one of our events then please contact admin@botley-pc.gov.uk or call 01489 787181.
Litter Picking
Local “Litter Picking” groups are always looking for volunteers with a few hours of spare time. Black sacks and litter pickers are provided. Contact admin@botley-pc.gov.uk or call 01489 787181.