Botley Village Improvement Survey

Hampshire County Council have now launched their Botley Village Improvements survey online. The survey provides an opportunity for local residents to share their feedback on the proposed improvements.

The survey will be live from 12 noon Monday 3 February, closing at 11:59pm on Sunday 23 March.

To complete the survey follow this link:

Additionally, Hampshire County Council will be hosting two events where residents are able to come along and view the proposed plans and ask their queries to the project team.

Details of the events are as follows:

Event 1

Date: Monday 24 February

Time: 3pm to 7pm

Address: Diamond Jubilee Hall,

Botley Centre,

High Street Recreation Ground

High St,


SO30 2ES

Event 2

Date: Thursday 6 March

Time: 3pm to 7pm

Address: Boorley Green Community Centre,

Meeting Room 1,

121 Wallace Ave,

SO32 2RQ

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